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  • Danielle Liska


When it comes to choosing a piece of property to invest in, there are many ways to assess if it is a good idea. The old adage is “Location, location, location,” and it is true. Whether you are trying to purchase a large piece of land to start a factory, or if you want your dream house right on the beach, the location of said properties will always come into effect.

There are many factors that go into location. One first idea is to take into consideration the potential a property has for appreciation. Investing in “Brick and Mortar” has the potential for more return than playing the stock market. That is, if you are doing it right. Buying land next to a beach, lets say, may be a sound idea for vacation homes, but it would not make sense for a factory. Conversely, not many people would want to live next to an airport. And so, does your chosen plot of land have the possibility of growing? Perhaps the plot of land you obtain is in an area that is growing in population. Perhaps there is a high level of patronage in local stores. Maybe you found a small town that is ready to evolve into a commercial epicenter. The point is, when choosing a piece of real estate, you must evaluate the town or city that surrounds it.

The Seasonality of real estate investment is very important as well. If you purchase a house in the mountains, then your house might be real popular when there is snow on the ground for skiing. You could build a house on the beach, but don’t expect people to want to rent it in February. The seasonality of a house is very important. No matter where a piece of land is, there will always be a change in season, and therefore a change in demand.

Doing a Comparative market analysis on a real estate investment is very important. It is wise to compare the property values of locations that are similar to yours. If you are planning on investing in residential housing, then you should try and find out what the neighbor’s house is worth. Looking into statistics of a community can help as well. Are you trying to start a business in an affluent area? Will you patrons be able to afford your prices? Analyzing the market in your area before you buy is very important.

Your target audience for a real estate investment must be measured too. If you are building a home in a college town, it might be a good bet to use the space for college students. But that kind of housing might be risky due to noise complaints or unnecessary damage to the property. If you are trying to start a bar, maybe you should start it in a town full of young adults and not necessarily retirees.

Finally, the size of the property you are interested must be judged. Are you buying a plot of land big enough for your factory? Will consumers enjoy the proposed size of the condos you are building? Does your proposed home have enough land for say a pool? Understanding how to maximize land use can turn change the game when it comes to real estate.

Choose wisely when investing in Real Estate. You don’t want to start a shop in a town that’s going under. Be the investor who banked on a boom in a small town or city. Timing is a huge factor in real estate, and choosing the right piece of property is everything.

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